The security situation facing Japan and the surrounding region is becoming more severe. Traditional threats from Russia, China, and North Korea are growing. Emerging technologies in areas such as computing, cyber, space, electronic warfare, and hypersonic projectiles add new dimensions to Japan’s defense needs. Industry in Japan, the US, and other like-minded nations must provide technology and equipment to counter these threats.
The Japanese public is increasingly aware of the threats Japan faces and supportive of acquiring capability to defend against them. The government of Japan has responded with steady increases in defense spending, which are likely to continue or even accelerate. The US-Japan alliance is as strong as ever, but both acknowledge the need for Japan to possess greater capability. Like-minded nations in Europe and the Pacific are concerned with the same rising regional threats.
Industries of like-minded countries must collaborate to efficiently meet these emerging threats. Political-military and operational cooperation must be backed by technologically advanced and interoperable equipment. Democratic nations will always face budget constraints and want to receive optimum capability from their acquisition spending. Industries working together across borders can help achieve this.
Japanese industry, with strong government encouragement, is now looking for opportunities to join the global defense industrial base. Prior to April 2014 Japanese government policy effectively prohibited most defense exports. In the ensuing five years, little progress has been made in selling Japanese defense equipment or components outside the Japan MOD market.
The Council will provide a forum for Japanese companies to meet potential partners and become comfortable interacting with foreign defense companies.
The mission of the International Security Industry Council of Japan (ISIC Japan) is to promote industry collaboration to enhance the security of Japan and the Indo Pacific region. The Council will assist US and other global defense companies in finding supply chain and development partners in Japan.
There are many companies in Japan, some of which have not traditionally been defense suppliers, that have leading-edge technology developed for commercial purpose but with defense application.
These companies have great potential as supply chain and development partners to global defense primes. ISIC Japan will foster mutually beneficial industry cooperation, in support of the security objectives of the governments of Japan and other friendly governments, to maintain peace and stability in the Indo Pacific region.
ISIC Japan is a non-profit corporation registered in Tokyo to promote business-to-business collaboration between Japanese industry and global defense companies in like-minded countries. It was established as an Ippan Shadan Hojin, a non-profit corporation in 2019. This organization consists of an Executive Board which oversees management and operations. Purpose is to foster relationships between stakeholders – corporates, government and NGOs, military and academia. Objective is to strengthen Japan’s defense industrial base through international cooperation.

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