Chua Jin Kiat

Chua Jin Kiat is Executive Vice President, International Defence Business, of ST
Engineering, a global technology, defence and engineering group with a diverse
portfolio of businesses across the aerospace, smart city, defence and public
security segments. He joined the company in July 2022 and drives the growth of
international defence business within the Defence and Public Security cluster.

Jin Kiat started his career with the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) as a recipient of
the SAF Overseas Scholarship, and served for 25 years, attaining the rank of
Brigadier-General (BG). He is an infantry officer and has commanded a Light
Infantry Battalion and a Motorised Combined Arms Brigade. He served as Assistant
Chief of General Staff (Training), Deputy Commander Army Training and Doctrine
Command (TRADOC), and was also Commander 9 th Singapore Division and
concurrently Chief Infantry Officer. Prior to his retirement from SAF, he was
Commandant of the SAFTI Military Institute, where he oversaw Leadership
development and training for the SAF and drove the learning transformation for the
Next Generation SAF.

Jin Kiat was awarded the Public Administration Medal (Bronze) (Military) in 2017,
and continues to serve as a Reservist in the Singapore Army.

Jin Kiat graduated from Cambridge University in 2002 with a Masters in Engineering
(Honours). He holds a Masters in Public Management from the Lee Kuan Yew
School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore.

Leone Luca

Luca Leone is responsible for developing the engineering, procurement, and supply chain capability for the AERALIS aircraft and training system programme.

Luca is an experienced Programme Manager having worked on a range of UK MoD and international defence programmes including programme and business development roles with Morgan Advanced Materials, as Chairman of the Defence Export Focus Group for the UK’s aerospace & defence trade body and leading a range of collaborative defence projects for Team Defence Information.

Since 2017 Luca has been running the AERALIS design and engineering programme with a team of talented and innovative engineers from across the UK aerospace, defence and Formula 1 sectors.

Luca is also a Non-Executive Director for the Alan Turing Trust, an advisor to UK’s MoD on better exploitation of supply chain capabilities, also a qualified Prince 2 practitioner and a Member of the Institute of Directors and the Royal Aeronautical Society.

Dr Matthew Warren

Dr Matthew Warren is a former-defence aerospace executive and current Principal Strategic Analyst at Apache iX, a defence and security consultancy. Matt’s professional background is in strategy, planning and analysis, supported by a broad and deep knowledge of geopolitics. He recently completed a Ph.D. in International Relations (St Andrews), and holds a master’s degree with distinction in International Peace & Security (King’s College, London), and a first class honours degree in International Politics & Strategic Studies (Aberystwyth). His Ph.D. research examined the development and use of air power for strategic effect in six states, including Britain, the United States, Russia, and France, since the end of the Cold War, tracing its theoretical and practical direction, influences, and its use in conflict, to determine the factors and processes that accounted for its direction and evolution. The research examined areas including defence policy, doctrine, theory, capability, innovation, and operational practice. In addition, Matt continues to be involved in a research project examining pre-war analyses of the Russian and Ukrainian militaries and their

Matt has experience in the UK defence industry, working at BAE Systems in the Military Air business for 10 years where he primarily focused on strategy and analysis. This included assessing geopolitical trends, shocks, and actors to assess impacts and opportunities for the business, scenario modelling, strategy development, market and competitor analysis, and contributing to operational analysis. He also completed a secondment in the UK Civil Service, working at the Department for International Trade as part of the Defence Growth Partnership’s Countries of Focus project. Here, Matt co-created the analysis and selection methodology for the project and shaped the subsequent strategies for engagement and cooperation, including leading the work on India. He has also worked in both Business Development and in Commercial, and spent time working on contracting in the Middle East.

At Apache iX, Matt is responsible for leading the development of the company’s strategy, research, and development capabilities through the Strategic & Analytical Services team. This includes providing advice and practical support to clients by leveraging market, platform, systems and technology research, trends, and competitor analysis across the breadth of the defence and security domains.

Outside of work, Matt closely follows developments in geopolitics, international business, and aviation, enjoys cooking and travel, and is an avid reader, fan of motorsport, and player of strategy and simulation computer games.

Tim Eide Mathy

Mr. Mathy, Director Marketing of RAM System GmbH (RAMSYS) in Munich, Germany is working now for more than fifteen years on different positions in the Marketing, Sales and Communication branch in this company.

RAMSYS was founded in 1985 as a Management Company for the German industrial shares of the US-German Rolling Airframe Missile (RAM) Weapon System Program. Between 1994 and 2007, Mr. Mathy served as an Officer in the German Navy. In these 13 years, he bearded several duties as a Watch Officer, Operation Officer and Executive Officer onboard German Fast Patrol Boats, as a Platoon Leader at the German Naval Academy and as a Speaker about German Armed Forces Defence and Security Policies and Strategies.

Mr. Mathy holds a Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research from the German Armed Forces University, Hamburg and several naval and maritime licenses. He is 48 years old and lives in a long-term partnership together with three daughters and one son between 17 and 2 years of age.

Shimon Fhima

Shimon took up post as Director Strategic Programmes in the UK Ministry of Defence in March 2020. He is responsible for delivering a £1bn pa portfolio of programmes including Complex Weapons and Test & Evaluation, leading the MOD’s cooperation with international partners in military capabilities, defining the MOD’s approach to key sectors of the defence industry, and implementation of the 2017 National Shipbuilding Strategy.

He joined the MoD from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), where he was instrumental in delivering innovative policies and technologies to transform business areas into services that are world class, efficient and data driven. He is an experienced international negotiator, representing the UK in the EU and other international forums and is an accredited mediator. Most recently he led a portfolio of Major Government Projects covering internal transformation, EU Exit and external policy delivery.

Shimon has played a central part in shaping transformational strategies across government for the last ten years including Spending Review 2013. More recently he provided the strategic leadership and delivery of a cross-government programme (Future Borders) focused on a post-Brexit world of frictionless borders, driving the innovation and piloting key solutions.

Outside work Shimon volunteers as an emergency medical technician for a local ambulance organisation and sits as a trustee for an arts therapy charity. He received his MBE for services to government. He is married to Ilanah. They live in London with their four young children.

Satoru Tezuka

Graduated from the Department of Mathematical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Keio University in 1984. Joined Hitachi, Ltd. in the same year, professor at the Faculty of Computer Science, Tokyo University of Technology from 2009, specially appointed professor at the Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University from 2016, professor at the Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, Keio University from September 2019.

Received the 2020 Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications “Information and Communication Month” Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Award, 2013 Information Security Culture Award, 2008 Information Processing Society of Japan Paper Award, IEEE-IIHMSP2006 Best Paper Award, 2004 Information Processing Society of Japan Paper Award.

Member of the Data Strategy Task Force of the Digital Government Ministerial Conference, Chief of the Working Team on Trusts established under the Data Strategy Task Force, Member of the Personal Information Protection Committee, Chairman of the Study Group on Trust Services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, SIP of the Council for Science, Technology and Innovation Sub-program director in charge of ensuring cyber security in critical infrastructure, member of the critical infrastructure expert study group of the Cyber ​​Security Strategy Headquarters.

He is also chair of the study group on smartphone installation of My Number card function of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, temporary member of the Electronic Administration Task Force of the IT Strategy Headquarters, Information Linkage Infrastructure Technology Working Group Member, Basic Resident Register System Investigation Committee Member, Electronic Signature Law and Legal Standards Examination Working Group Chair, Cryptocurrency Technology Evaluation Committee (CRYPTREC) Member, Cryptocurrency Technology Utilization Committee (CRYPTREC) Committee members, etc.

Representative of Digital Trust Council, Representative of Trust Service Promotion Forum, Representative of Japan Trust Technology Council, Chairman of Japan Security Audit Association, Chairman of 5th Generation Mobile Promotion Forum Security Research and Research Committee, Chairman of Information Network Law Society, Japan Security Management Executive Director of the Society, Director of the Digital Forensic Study Group, Expert Member of the Computer Security Study Group of the Information Processing Society, Member of the Japan-Germany Symposium Program, etc.

His books include “Q & A My Number Security Measures” Seibunsha, “Electronic Signature / Authentication Service Spreading with My Number” Nikkei BP, “Corporate Code that Strengthens Japan Another My Number” Corporate Number “” Nikkei BP, “Basics of Information Security” Kyoritsu Publishing, etc.

Sadamasa Oue

General Oue was born in 1959 in Nara Prefecture, Japan. He entered the Japan Air Self-Defense Force (JASDF) as a graduate of the National Defense Academy in 1982. Throughout his military career, he had been involved with policy development and program promotion, as well as budget request regarding BMD, F-35 introduction, Joint Staff reorganization and more. 

Upon promotion to Lieutenant General he assumed the position of Commandant of the Air Staff College. Afterwards, he served as a Commander of the Northern Air Defense Command, responsible for coping with missile launches from North Korea, responding to Russian air activities to defend the territorial aerospace of Japan, and maintaining readiness to provide forces with other defense sectors’ operations.

He retired in August 2017 as a Commander of Air Materiel Command, responsible for logistic operations of all Air Self Defense Force activities. LTG OUE earned his Master of Public Administration from J. F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University in 1997, and Master of National Security Strategy from the National War College, National Defense University of the U.S.A. in 2002. Between July 2019 and June 2021, he served at the Harvard Asia Center as a Senior Fellow. He currently serves as a company advisor and a special fellow of the Strategic Studies Institute.


Japan-US relations / National security policy / US military strategy / Defense industry / Innovative technologies / Cyber security


2022/02/01 Why economic security in Japan needs to include the defense industry (API Geoeconomics Briefing)

2021/11/02 AUKUS has a significant part to play in the ‘new Cold War’ against China (API Geoeconomics Briefing)

2021/09/28 After U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, Japan has a role to play (API Geoeconomics Briefing)

James Schoff

James L. Schoff is senior director of the “U.S.-Japan NEXT Alliance Initiative” at Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA (based in Washington, DC). As leader of this initiative, Schoff fosters networking and development of joint recommendations involving a wide range of policy and technical specialists, in and out of government, to stimulate new alliance connections across foreign, security, and technology policy areas. The purpose is to help improve the alliance and how it serves shared interests, preparing it for new challenges in an increasingly complex and fluid geostrategic environment.

Previously, Schoff was a senior fellow and director of the Japan Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace for nine years, following two years as senior adviser for East Asia policy at the U.S. Office of the Secretary of Defense. Schoff’s career spans over thirty years working in the fields of business, education, government, and the non-profit sector, all related to Japan, East Asia, and the U.S.-Japan alliance. He is a columnist for the Japanese magazine Shukan Toyo Keizai, and his publications include “US-Japan Technology Policy Coordination: Balancing Technonationalism with a Globalized World” (Carnegie, 2020), Uncommon Alliance for the Common Good: The United States and Japan after the Cold War (Carnegie, 2017), and Tools for Trilateralism: Improving U.S.–Japan–Korea Cooperation to Manage Complex Contingencies (Potomac Books, 2005). Schoff earned an Master’s degree in Asian Studies and Economics from Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies and a Bachelor’s degree in Japanese History from Duke University.

Other listed pub: “A High-Tech Alliance: Challenges and Opportunities for US-Japan Science and Technology Collaboration” (co-author, Carnegie, 2021)

Hisamitsu Arai

Hisamitsu Arai  

Chairman of Intellectual Property Strategy Committee, Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Hisamitsu Arai graduated from the University of Tokyo, Faculty of Law, and joined the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), now the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). Studied at Harvard Graduate School and worked at the Japanese Embassy in London. 

Subsequently he served as Deputy Director-General of the Machinery and Information Industries Bureau of MITI, and also as Director-General of the Equipment Bureau of the Japan Defense Agency. He was Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office, and served as Vice Minister for International Affairs of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry. He was the first Director-General of the Secretariat for Intellectual Property Strategy Promotion Headquaters, Cabinet Secretariat.

Currently Arai is Vice President of the Nakasone Peace Institute, and Chairman of Intellectual Property Strategy Committee, Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry. His publications include “100 Proposals for an Intellectual Property Nation,” “Intellectual Property Revolution,” and “Intellectual Property Nation in Danger”.

(Awards): Order of the Legion of Honor, France (2006), IP Hall of Fame, U.S.A. (2007), etc.

荒 井 寿 光(あらい ひさみつ) 元防衛庁装備局長





(受賞) フランス・レジオンドヌール勲章(2006年)、米国・IP Hall of Fame(2007年)

Douglas Berenson

Douglas Berenson is a Managing Director at Avascent’s defence practice. Since 1998 he has helped clients in government and industry adapt to changes driven by politics, economics, and technology. Doug works with clients worldwide to set investment, policy and other priorities in light of the unique conditions that define these markets.

Doug works closely with Avascent Canada, a division of the company that provides analytical support to agencies of the Canadian government on matters pertaining to the global aerospace, defence, marine, cyber and other markets that present challenges and opportunities for Canadian companies, workers and taxpayers.

Doug is the founder of the Global Platforms & Systems (GPS) database, which has become the industry standard for defense market forecasting and analysis. Avascent sold GPS to Janes in January 2021. Doug remains a leading voice of expertise on matters relating to the US Federal and Department of Defense budgets, providing advice and analysis to clients on areas of growth, risk and opportunity.

Doug has published articles on subjects related to defense budgets, programs and industry in War on the Rocks, Defense News, National Defense and others.