Mary Jardine-Clarke

A Business Development and Government Relations professional of over 30years in predominantly the international defence, maritime and space industry sectors, Mary Jardine-Clarke comes from an international relations background. Having lived and worked in Australia, Canada, Europe, and Southeast Asia, she brings a wealth of experience and business intelligence insights across a number of cultural and strategic sectors.

She is a professionally registered Australian and EU government and industry lobbyist and as part of this remit has developed and ran many international trade delegations and conference events.
She is the Principal of Greenwich House, a strategic consultancy where her other areas of business and industry reach are in the airports infrastructure, critical minerals refining and recycling, cyber security, and aerospace sectors. She has represented European and Ukrainian space industry interests in Australia and Indonesia for over fifteen years with a focus on launch and spaceport services.

She has longstanding business experience and strong networks in Australia Europe, India, Indonesia, Japan, UK, Ukraine, and Yemen where she continues to have an active presence.

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