Kenjiro Ono graduated from the National Defense Academy of Japan in 1990 as an Air Force staff member and finished Ph.D. research at the Royal Military College of Science in the UK. Ono was redesigning the Raven RPV by some stability theory with Flight Refueling Ltd.
In 1999, he joined Fujitsu Ltd. and was seconded to Fujitsu System Integration Laboratory. Ono was engaged in modeling and simulation research and defense system development such as the Air Force mission planning system, F-15 GPS debriefing system, the army command post training support system, etc.
Ono returned to the Defense Unit of Fujitsu Ltd in 2007 and engaged in strategic business development and proposal activities. He managed the development of RAM for stealth for TRDI and supported the F-2 / LJDAM operational capability addition project.
Since 2013, as a director, Ono has been in charge of aviation business sales activities, development and proposal of strategic businesses, and promotion of arms export business due to relaxation of the Three Principles of Japanese arms export.
Regarding the Easy Display System, he established the first direct contract with Lockheed Martin after the liberalization of export controls which were ultimately successful.
In 2018, in the Fujitsu technical division, he engaged in the development support of overseas business and aviation system business, and involved in future fighter system and aviation self-defense force mission training system proposal. He retired from Fujitsu in September 2020.
By engaging in various duties while enrolled at Fujitsu, he deepened relationships with domestic and foreign defense companies, defense trading companies, and government officials.
Currently, Ono provides project support to domestic and overseas defense companies and defense trading companies.