Hiroyuki Hatada

Director Americas Division, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)

Mr. Hiroyuki “Hiro” Hatada is Director for Americas Division at the METI (Ministry of  Economy, Trade and Industry). He is engaged in planning and coordinating the bilateral  economic relationships with the U.S. and Canada, and now, he promotes and coordinates  cooperative efforts between METI and the US counterparts, including on supply chain  resiliency, emerging technologies, and clean energy. Before he took his current position  in August, 2020, he drafted and implemented Japan’s industrial policies to promote  commercial aviation industry and to maintain and strengthen defense industrial base as  Director for Aerospace and Defense Industry Division. Prior to this position, he was 

based in Washington D.C from July, 2013 to June, 2016 as Chief Representative, NEDO  (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization), which is Japan’s  largest technology projects management organization and an affiliate of METI. In his  role to enhance technology cooperation between the US and Japan, he facilitated 

discussion and coordination between industries, academia and public entities of both  nations for future cooperative opportunities in such technology areas as robotics and  advanced manufacturing. Before his assignment to Washington, DC, he worked for  METI and the Ministry of Defense (MOD). While working for METI, he worked on 

industry- and technology-related public policies such as waste computer recycling,  biofuel quality regulations, promotion of aviation and defense industries, and  international development assistance. Also, in the aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear  power plant accident, he played a key role in the US-Japan cooperative effort to deploy  robots into the accident site. While working for MOD, he played a central role in starting  up the first cooperative development project of defense equipment between Japan and  the US, the SM-3 Block II A missile. He holds an MBA degree from Georgetown  University and a Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of  Tokyo.

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