Toshihisa (Toshi) Nabeta

Senior Advisor at Oliver Wyman and Director of ISIC Japan

Toshi is a Senior Advisor at Oliver Wyman based out of Tokyo, Japan and has more than 6 years’ industry and consulting experience within aerospace, defense, and national security related government projects.

His work has largely focused on growth and market strategy, capture support for Japanese clients interested in overseas business expansion, non-Japanese clients for entering and expanding business in Japanese market, and has participated in numerous open competitive tenders to serve government clients. Selected experiences include:

•Led The Avascent Group Ltd.’s Japan Operations for more than 5 years, after opening Avascent’s first Tokyo Office in April of 2017.

•More than 50 projects at Avascent, with a unique expertise in global strategy and management consulting mated with local insight into Japan’s ADG markets.

•Prior to joining Avascent, spent 33 years at Mitsubishi Corporation with a focus on strategic and programmatic business development in Japan’s defense and aerospace industrial sector and worked with Group CEO to transform organizational culture to develop new business frontiers for the Machinery Group.

•Outside Director at a Tokyo Stock Exchange listed (Standard) industrial energy focused wholesale company, Fuji Kosan Company Ltd. since 2021.

•Director (Non-Executive) at a general incorporated association, International Security Industry Council of Japan since 2021.

Toshi received a B.A. in Commerce at Hitotsubashi University of Japan, and a Master of Science in National Resource Strategy at the National Defense University at Fort McNair in Washington DC, known as The Eisenhower School.

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