2018— President, Rose Town Consulting, Tokyo Japan
2015—2018 Managing Director, Raytheon International Inc. Japan
2012 – 2015 Managing Director, Integrated Defense Systems, Tokyo Office
2001 – 2004 US Marine Forces Japan, Okinawa, Dep Asst Ch of Staff, G5 – GS-14
1997 – 2001 Security Liaison Det, 500th MI Group, Tokyo, Japan, LNO – GS-12
1992 – 1997 17th Area Support Group, Camp Zama, Japan, Com Rel Off – GS-12
2006 – 2012 94th Army Air and Missile Def Cmd (Fwd), Yokota AB, Japan (Active)
2004 –2005 United States Embassy, Tokyo, Japan – Army Attaché (Active)
2003 – 2004 United States Embassy, Tokyo, Japan – Army Attaché (Reserve)
1998 – 2003 US Forces Japan, Yokota AB, Japan – Deputy J5, Intl Affairs Off (R)
1995 – 1998 US Army Japan, Camp Zama, Japan – G3, Operations Officer (R)
1992 – 1995 US Army Japan, Camp Zama, Japan – G5, Pol-Mil Officer (Reserve)
1990 – 1992 US Army Japan, Camp Zama, Japan – Foreign Area Officer Training
1986 – 1987 US Army Air Def Sch, School Brigade, Ft Bliss, TX, HHB, Commander
1985 – 1986 Directorate Training and Doctrine, Ft Bliss, TX, Foreign Mil Sales Off
1982 – 1984 ADA Special Weapons Det, Vorden, Germany, Team Commander
1981 – 1982 ADA Special Weapons Det, Schoppingen, Germany, Asst Tm Cdr
Wheaton College Wheaton, Illinois 1980 BA, Economics
Wheaton College Wheaton, Illinois 1980 BA, Theology
University of Hawaii Honolulu, Hawaii 1990 Japanese Studies
Air Defense Officers Course, Ft Bliss, Texas, 1980
Airborne School, Ft Benning, Georgia, 1981
Ranger School, Ft Benning, Georgia, 1981
Air Defense Officer Advanced Course, Ft Bliss, Texas, 1984
Defense Institute of Security Asst Mgt Course, Wright-Pat, AB, Ohio, 1986
Combined Arms Service Staff School, Ft Leavenworth, Kansas, 1987
Defense Language Institute (Japanese), Monterey, California, 1988
Foreign Service Institute (Japanese), Yokohama, Japan, 1991
Command General Staff College, Ft Leavenworth, Kansas, 1996
Reserve Joint Military Attaché School, Washington, D.C., 2003
Defense Superior Service Medal Defense Meritorious Service Medal Meritorious Service Medal Army Achievement Medal National Defense Service Medal Armed Forces Reserve Medal Army Service Ribbon Overseas Service Ribbon w/2 Superior Civilian Service Award Global War on Terror Srvice Medal
Army Reserve Completion Overseas Training Ribbon w/9