Norihiro Sakamoto


Norihiro Sakamoto was born in Yazu,Tottori Prefecture in 1953. He is a leading space policy analyst in Japan. Specializes in the Global Commons (space / aviation, ocean, cyber), which is the backbone of national security strategies.

1976: Joined Mitsui Ocean Development & Engineering Company (MODEC)
1988: Nissan Motor (design of space and defense solid rocket)
1999: The Society of Japanese Aerospace Companies (General Manager of Engineering Department / Recommendations for Basic Space Law, Space Activity Law, etc.)
2000: Transferred from Nissan Motor to Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries (IHI)
2011: Tokyo Foundation (Research Fellow / Space, Ocean, Security Policy)
2013: Liberal Democratic Party (Researcher / involved in the party’s space and aviation policy proposals)
2019: Established New Space International Institute for Strategic Studies (Chairman)

Sakamoto is currently serving in various senior positions: Chairman of the New Space International Strategy Research Institute; Representative of the Global Commons Research Institute GK; Visiting Researcher of the Defense Technology Foundation, and a Visiting Professor of Wakayama University.

He is also author of the book, “Introduction to New Space Strategy – Future Blueprint of Global Common”.

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