Jeffrey A. Bloom is the President of Bloom Pacific LLC, offering consulting services to companies engaged in international trade in defense and aerospace equipment, components, and technology, particularly with Japan. Mr. Bloom has 20 years of U.S. government experience in international defense sales and collaboration on defense technology. He can provide insight into U.S. Department of Defense acquisition trends and the “Washington D.C.” view of the ever changing international defense market. He has extensive contacts in Government and industry, and can serve as a Washington presence for clients without a defense oriented office in D.C. From his 20-year career as a U.S. Navy Aviator he has the experience and credibility of having operated tactical aircraft, missiles, and other defense and aerospace systems.
Mr. Bloom, recently retired from the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, OUSD (AT&L) where he served as the Country Director for Japan, in the International Cooperation (IC) directorate from March of 2000. He held the Pacific Team Lead, as well as the Taiwan, China, and Latin America portfolios during portions of his sixteen years as a Department of Defense civilian. He was the principle advisor to the Department on Japan, Taiwan, and Latin America matters relating to defense technology, equipment, equipment sustainment and armaments cooperation. He was responsible for establishing international armaments cooperation policy, ensuring that policy is properly implemented, and engaging to achieve closer cooperation. Mr. Bloom directed the activities of the U.S.-Japan Systems and Technology Forum (S&TF), chaired by the Under Secretary of Defense (AT&L), and subordinate groups. He co-chaired the U.S.-Japan (S&TF) Technology Group. He directed the activities of the U.S.-Taiwan Defense Armaments Cooperation and Exchange Forum.
In previous assignment as a U.S. Navy Commander, Mr. Bloom served as the Japan Country Director in the Navy International Programs Office 1996 to 2000, where he was responsible for managing foreign military sales of U.S. Navy equipment to Japan. He had two Navy tours in Japan; 1994-1996 in Yokosuka with Seventh Fleet Staff, and 1992-1994 as Tactics and Operations Officer with an A-6 Squadron forward deployed to Atsugi. His Navy career included combat missions over Lebanon, Grenada, and Iraq, and over 600 carrier landings.
Mr. Bloom holds a Master of Arts in Asian Studies and Bachelor of Science degree from Cornell University, a Master of Public Administration from Troy State University, and completed the U.S. Navy War College curriculum. Mr. Bloom resides in Arlington, Virginia with his wife Anne Welch Bloom and three sons. Mr. Bloom’s activities include playing and coaching ice hockey, church choir, and home improvement.