荒井 寿光
Chairman of Intellectual Property Strategy Committee, Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Hisamitsu Arai graduated from the University of Tokyo, Faculty of Law, and joined the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), now the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). Studied at Harvard Graduate School and worked at the Japanese Embassy in London.
Subsequently he served as Deputy Director-General of the Machinery and Information Industries Bureau of MITI, and also as Director-General of the Equipment Bureau of the Japan Defense Agency. He was Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office, and served as Vice Minister for International Affairs of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry. He was the first Director-General of the Secretariat for Intellectual Property Strategy Promotion Headquaters, Cabinet Secretariat.
Currently Arai is Vice President of the Nakasone Peace Institute, and Chairman of Intellectual Property Strategy Committee, Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry. His publications include “100 Proposals for an Intellectual Property Nation,” “Intellectual Property Revolution,” and “Intellectual Property Nation in Danger”.
(Awards): Order of the Legion of Honor, France (2006), IP Hall of Fame, U.S.A. (2007), etc.
荒 井 寿 光(あらい ひさみつ) 元防衛庁装備局長
(受賞) フランス・レジオンドヌール勲章(2006年)、米国・IP Hall of Fame(2007年)